August 16, 2024

Alexander von Humboldt Studytour visits FIAS

Lectures on FIAS and its research

As part of the annual summer tours, 60 scientists from all over the world listened to talks at FIAS.

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation supports scientists and scholars, regardless of their academic discipline or nationality. Its mission is to promote international dialogue, scientific progress, and development. Around 60 scholarship holders visited FIAS as part of their summer trip. Over the course of two weeks, the postdocs from all over the world are guests at various institutes and companies. 

At FIAS, Director Eckhard Elsen and his deputy Volker Lindenstruth welcomed them and reported on the aims and research projects at the institute. FIAS postdocs Sahila Chopra and Claudia Quinteros Cartaya then gave an insight into the range of research at FIAS. Chopra herself holds an AvH scholarship. She is working on superheavy elements using heavy ion reactions. In her talk, she described the role of predictions in expanding the periodic table to include such elements. Quinteros described how earthquake monitoring could be improved by deep learning models and contribute to an early warning system. She is working on the detection and rapid estimation of earthquakes using GPS data.

The guests eagerly asked questions and engaged in lively discussions following all three presentations. They also enjoyed the fantastic view of the Frankfurt skyline and surrounding area from the FIAS roof-top.

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AvH studytour 2024 (Claudia Quinteros, Sahila Chopra)