May 3, 2023

Founders visiting FIAS

Presentations by funded scientists

Biomolecular function unraveled by the computational microscope - or how computer-based simulations - playing an increasingly important role in the study of cellular processes - can be used.

Under this motto, the FIAS working groups funded by the Alfons und Gertrud Kassel Foundation, the Dr. Rolf M. Schwiete Foundation and the Johanna Quandt Foundation presented themselves on May 3rd. Roberto Covino and Sebastian Thallmair as well as their doctoral students Cristina Gil Herrero and Magnus Petersen introduced their research areas in exciting lectures. Other doctoral students presented their research in elaborate posters. There was plenty of time for discussions and interested enquiries from the sponsors as well as speculation about future research challenges, their organisation and social relevance.

FIAS thanks the foundations for their support and sustained interest in the research projects!

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