PUNCH4NFDI Research Areas

January 24, 2022

How to use computer resources more effectively within experiments

The PUNCH4NFDI consortium is funded for five years

Scientific experiments on the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions generate an increasing amount of data that must be processed and analyzed. Scientists from particle, astroparticle, hadron and nuclear physics have therefore joined forces to form a consortium. Its goal is to organize the huge data sets from many experiments in a "sustainable" way so that all data become easily findable, readily accessible, linkable as well as reusable. The participation of FIAS in the consortium PUNCH4NFDI ( Particles, Universe, NuClei, and Hadrons for the NFDI) is funded within the framework of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) for an initial period of five years with a total of almost 280,000 €.

Prof. Dr. Hannah Elfner (Petersen)

December 14, 2021

Hannah Elfner was named "Scientist of the Year" 2021

The theoretical physicist will be honored at Goethe University

The Alfons and Gertrud Kassel Foundation awards the "Scientist of the Year" prize every second year to a scientist who, in addition to outstanding scientific achievements, is also committed to the work of young scientists. This year, FIAS Fellow Prof. Dr. Hannah Elfner receives the award, which is endowed with 25,000 euros.

Expansion of the Universe
© NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

December 3, 2021

The uneven universe

Researchers study cosmic expansion using methods from many-body physics / Article published in “Physical Review Letters”

It is almost always assumed in cosmological calculations that there is a even distribution of matter in the universe. This is because the calculations would be much too complicated if the position of every single star were to be included. In reality, the universe is not uniform: in some places there are stars and planets, in others there is just a void. Physicists Michael te Vrugt and Prof. Raphael Wittkowski from the Institute of Theoretical Physics and the Center for Soft Nanoscience (SoN) at the University of Münster have, together with physicist Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder from the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), developed a new model for this problem. Their starting point was the Mori-Zwanzig formalism, a method for describing systems consisting of a large number of particles with a small number of measurands. The results of the study have now been published in the journal “Physical Review Letters”.

ISR  Institute of Seismological Research Gandhinagar

November 17, 2021

New research collaboration on artificial intelligence in geophysics

Cooperation agreement signed with The Institute of Seismological Research Gandhinagar

Earthquakes regularly cause devastating destruction in many regions around the world. Even though analysis and measurement methods have steadily evolved over the past decades, reliable prediction is still not possible. The occurrence of earthquakes within the stable interiors of tectonic plates is still an enigma. Gujarat, in northwest India, is one such region that witnessed two devastating earthquakes in a span of 200 years. FIAS and the Institute of Seismological Research (ISR) in Gandhinagar have now agreed on long-term research cooperation using novel artificial intelligence methods to understand the earthquake occurrence in the region.

Cooperation Agreement FIAS GU

November 12, 2021

Joining Forces in the Theoretical Natural Sciences

Goethe University and Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies agree on closer collaboration in new cooperation agreement

Starting next year, Goethe University and the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) will intensify and expand joint research projects and the exchange of scientific knowledge. A new cooperation agreement has laid the legal foundations for this. The contract was signed yesterday, on November 11th.

Cover: Die unwiderstehliche Anziehung der Schwerkraft
© Luciano Rezzolla/C.H.Beck

November 5, 2021

The irresistible attraction of gravity

A new book by FIAS Senior Fellow Luciano Rezzolla.

In his new book, Luciano Rezzolla takes us on a voyage of discovery to black holes. In doing so, he manages to reach readers of all knowledge levels and to draw a fascinating arc from the basic principles of gravity to the modern research results of relativistic astrophysics. The popular science book is published in German by C. H. Beck, the English version by Cambridge University Press is available since March 2023.

ProLoewe Wissenschaftsrallye
© ProLOEWE/SaschaMannel

August 2, 2021

The ProLOEWE science rally provides exclusive insights into LOEWE basic research

The big summer holiday quiz starts on August 02.

Discovering new things in nature, making models, solving puzzles, or making estimates - all this is waiting for for children and teens aged 10 and up and their families during the 21 stages of the ProLOEWE science rally. It starts on August 2 at ProLOEWE.de. FIAS and the LOEWE focus CMMS are also taking part in the event.

Volker Mosbrugger

July 12, 2021

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Volker Mosbrugger is a new member of the Board of Trustees

Volker Mosbrugger, the current president of the Polytechnic Society and former director of the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung (until December 2020), will support the work of the Foundation Board with immediate effect. The Foundation Board oversees the work of the Board of Directors and appoints its members. It decides on the FIAS budget and advises the Board on all matters of strategic importance. In recent years, for example, it has made a significant contribution to the successful restructuring of the research areas at FIAS and provided support in this process.

Magarete Puschmann bw

June 14, 2021

We grieve for Margarete Puschmann

Our longtime supporter and friend has passed away at the age of 100.

Magarete Puschmann was an indispensable member of the FIAS family for over 15. years. In addition to her generous donations, she participated in FIAS social activities, scientific lectures, award ceremonies, and summer parties, despite her advanced age, until the beginning of the pandemic. She has now passed away in Bad Homburg on the morning of June 8, 2021.

© C. Otto, GSI

May 31, 2021

Hesse's Silicon Valley: power wasters with a future

Volker Lindenstruth as a guest in the hr-iNFO podcast

How can we meet the increasing demand for computer power and data centers in the Rhine-Main region while at the same time respecting nature and climate protection goals? On May 27, hr-iNFO devoted itself to this question. As one of the experts consulted, FIAS Chairman Prof. Dr. Volker Lindenstruth explained his concept of GREEN-IT and how it can be used to enormously reduce the power consumption of data centers.

Frankfurt hat Hirn Teaser

March 15, 2021

"Frankfurt hat Hirn"

New website shows exciting facts about neuroscience and the city of Frankfurt

How does our brain work? Several international institutions in Frankfurt are trying to find answers to this question: The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, the Ernst Strüngmann Institute and the Goethe University Frankfurt have been researching the brain - in some cases for decades - while the non-profit Hertie Foundation has been funding neuroscience research since the early 1970s.

Magarethe Puschmann

March 15, 2021

Congratulations Margarete Puschmann!

One of the first FIAS donors celebrates her 100th birthday

We congratulate our long-time supporter and friend Margarete Puschmann on her 100th birthday, which she celebrates today in Oberursel on March 15, 2021.

thumbnail FIAS inside

March 3, 2021

Take a look behind the scenes of FIAS

Visit FIAS new YouTube Channel

Researchers from FIAS and other Frankfurt research institutions will give an insight into their research as part of the "Insights to..." YouTube series.

Teaser Public Lectures GSIC

February 19, 2021

Public lecture series "Theoretical and experimental quantitative cell biology"

As part of the Giersch - Summer School & International Conference

To gain a more comprehensive understanding of both simple molecular processes, such as the mode of action of an enzyme, and the complex behavior of organisms, the collaboration of scientists from a wide range of disciplines is necessary. In our public lecture series from February 22 to March 4, 2021, interested parties can experience exciting insights into the diverse world of modern cell biology. Renowned experts from academia and industry will provide insights into their research work and visions of future developments. The topics come from artificial intelligence, microscopy, modeling but also the practical application of research will be addressed.

Logo Enable

February 3, 2021

Cluster funding for ENABLE

State of Hesse supports biomedicine project

As announced today, the cluster project ENABLE will be funded by the State of Hesse for the next four years. The project, led by Goethe University, aims to identify key sites relevant for diseases and to enable innovative therapeutic strategies.

Teaser Corona controll measurements

January 18, 2021

Mathematical models explaining COVID-19 nonpharmaceutical control

Why is it crucial that as many people as possible reduce their contacts

Almost one year after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Germany is in its third lockdown, having emerged as an extension and tightening of the lockdown light measures introduced in November 2020. Many wonder about the efficacy and duration of the current stricter measures and we use here a simple mathematical model to illustrate that for the successful control of the pandemic it is important that as many people as possible reduce their contacts. To this end a simple mathematical model is used, assuming that only part of the population adheres to specified contact restrictions.


December 10, 2020

Media review Covid-19 simulations

An overview of the current coverage of research activities at FIAS.

The research work of Maria Barbarossa and Jan Fuhrmann from the JSC of Forschungszentrum Jülich has been picked up by some media in the last few days and we would like to give you a short overview of the coverage.

Visulisation DL in CBM
© FIAS/CBM Experiment

November 25, 2020

Deep learning in heavy ion physics

New models allow faster analysis of collision events

In order to make better use of the amount of data generated by high-energy experiments, scientists at FIAS have developed a new Deep Learning (DL) analysis method. The models based on the PointNet architecture enable a fast online analysis of collision events at event rates of several million collisions per second. For this purpose, the determination of the centrality of heavy ion collisions at the Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment (CBM) of the FAIR facility, which is currently under construction at the GSI Helmoltzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, was exemplarily investigated.

Covid-Measures November 2020

November 4, 2020

What follows the current COVID measures?

Are the current COVID measures slowing down the pandemic in Germany? A collaboration of researchers from FIAS and the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) used mathematical models to calculate possible scenarios for the further course of the pandemic


October 22, 2020

The evaluation by the scientific advisory board proceeds to the second round

Fellow conference takes place online for the first time

The Scientific Advisory Board is one of the basic pillars of the FIAS. Its high-profile members from all over the world meet every 3 years to evaluate and advise the FIAS in its scientific orientation. Normally this evaluation is integrated into our Fellow Conference, which due to the Corona Pandemic 2020 has to be held online for the first time and in two phases.
