Teaser Corona controll measurements

January 18, 2021

Mathematical models explaining COVID-19 nonpharmaceutical control

Why is it crucial that as many people as possible reduce their contacts

Almost one year after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Germany is in its third lockdown, having emerged as an extension and tightening of the lockdown light measures introduced in November 2020. Many wonder about the efficacy and duration of the current stricter measures and we use here a simple mathematical model to illustrate that for the successful control of the pandemic it is important that as many people as possible reduce their contacts. To this end a simple mathematical model is used, assuming that only part of the population adheres to specified contact restrictions.


December 10, 2020

Media review Covid-19 simulations

An overview of the current coverage of research activities at FIAS.

The research work of Maria Barbarossa and Jan Fuhrmann from the JSC of Forschungszentrum Jülich has been picked up by some media in the last few days and we would like to give you a short overview of the coverage.

Visulisation DL in CBM
© FIAS/CBM Experiment

November 25, 2020

Deep learning in heavy ion physics

New models allow faster analysis of collision events

In order to make better use of the amount of data generated by high-energy experiments, scientists at FIAS have developed a new Deep Learning (DL) analysis method. The models based on the PointNet architecture enable a fast online analysis of collision events at event rates of several million collisions per second. For this purpose, the determination of the centrality of heavy ion collisions at the Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment (CBM) of the FAIR facility, which is currently under construction at the GSI Helmoltzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, was exemplarily investigated.

Covid-Measures November 2020

November 4, 2020

What follows the current COVID measures?

Are the current COVID measures slowing down the pandemic in Germany? A collaboration of researchers from FIAS and the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) used mathematical models to calculate possible scenarios for the further course of the pandemic


October 22, 2020

The evaluation by the scientific advisory board proceeds to the second round

Fellow conference takes place online for the first time

The Scientific Advisory Board is one of the basic pillars of the FIAS. Its high-profile members from all over the world meet every 3 years to evaluate and advise the FIAS in its scientific orientation. Normally this evaluation is integrated into our Fellow Conference, which due to the Corona Pandemic 2020 has to be held online for the first time and in two phases.

Luciano Rezzolla

October 22, 2020

Luciano Rezzolla joins the FIAS board of directors

The Board of Trustees has appointed a new board member.

The astrophysicist Prof. Dr. Luciano Rezzolla will support the board of the FIAS in the future.

Steinberg Order of Merit
© Hessische Staatskanzlei

September 7, 2020

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Steinberg receives Federal Cross of Merit

The Chairman of the FIAS Board of Trustees has been awarded the Federal Cross of Merit

The Chairman of the FIAS Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Steinberg, has been awarded the Federal Cross of Merit with Ribbon. During a ceremony he was presented with the award by Volker Bouffier, the Prime Minister of the State of Hesse.

Nishtha Srivastava

September 2, 2020

Seismology and artificial intelligence

New research group started at FIAS within the BMBF guideline for the promotion of female AI junior scientists

Among all forces of nature, earthquakes are considered one of the most devastating threats. They cause enormous human and structural losses worldwide. Even though analysis and measurement methods have been further developed over the past decades, reliable predictions are still not possible today. Although many indications of an increased earthquake probability are known, they do not allow an exact prediction of the location and time of catastrophic earthquakes. Over the next four years, the research group at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), headed by Dr. Nishtha Srivastava will be funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BmBF) with more than 1.6 million euros as part of the "Promotion of female AI junior scientists" program. Nishtha Srivastava will use methods of artificial intelligence (AI), the application of which in the geosciences, especially in seismology, is still in an early stage of research, to expand our understanding of the origin of earthquakes and improve predictions.

Covino Protein Spikes
© Sikora et.al

August 26, 2020

New insights into the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

The "gate opener" on the virus surface is unexpectedly mobile

The search for a suitable vaccine is a central research area in the fight against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. An important step towards this is to understand how the virus penetrates the cells. The protein responsible for this is the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein on the virus surface which allows the virus to enter the host cell.

Thomas Sokolowski

August 10, 2020

8 questions to Thomas Sokolowski

Or, which mechanisms "keep randomness in check" and how one can better understand them.

Thomas Sokolowski joined the FIAS in April 2020 as part of the LOEWE focus CMMS. In an interview he explains how he uses stochastic methods and fundamental physical laws to describe complicated biochemical processes on the cell and tissue level efficiently and as accurately as possible.

Enrico Schleiff
© Alex Schwander

July 8, 2020

Enrico Schleiff becomes president of the Goethe University

The chairman of the FIAS, Enrico Schleiff, was elected by the extended senate with an absolute majority.

Prof. Dr. Enrico Schleiff, Senior Fellow and Chairman of the Board of the FIAS was elected President of the Goethe University by the extended Senate on Wednesday (July 8). The term of office is six years and will begin on January 1, 2021, following his appointment by the University Council. The former Vice President and Professor of Molecular Cell Biology of Plants at Goethe University was elected by an absolute majority of 18 votes out of the 34 members of the Senate.

© C. Otto, GSI

June 29, 2020

The Green IT Cube receives the Blue Angel eco-label.

Innovation at the FIAS makes research in the state of Hesse strong.

The FAIR and GSI high-performance computing center developed in cooperation with FIAS is particularly energy-efficient thanks to its special cooling system. This makes it the first computer center to be awarded the Federal Government's eco-label. With the Green IT Cube, one of the most powerful scientific computing centers in the world was built at the GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt. The novel cooling technology was developed by FIAS board members Volker Lindenstruth and Horst Stöcker.

Thomas Lippert
© Forschungszentrum Jülich

June 10, 2020

Expert for quantum computing Thomas Lippert has been appointed Senior Fellow

The physicist and computer scientist Thomas Lippert comes to Frankfurt.

Prof. Thomas Lippert, expert for high-performance and quantum computing, is a new Senior Fellow at FIAS. The physicist and computer scientist will also occupy the newly created professorship for "Modular Supercomputing and Quantum Computing" at the Institute for Computer Science at Goethe University Frankfurt from August 1, 2020.

Dr. Maria Barbarossa

June 4, 2020

9 questions to Maria Barbarossa

"Biological questions are so complex that they inspire new mathematical approaches"

Since May, Maria Barbarossa has been a FIAS Fellow and research group leader within Loewe's focus area CMMS (Center for Multiscale Modeling in Life Sciences). Her work is dedicated to the development of mathematical models and methods for understanding multiscale processes in immunology and the dynamics of epidemics. In this interview, she talks about her career and her current research on the COVID-19 epidemic.

CMMS Fellows

May 18, 2020

New Fellows in the Life and Computer Science departments

Three new young investigators group leaders have started their research at FIAS

Within the new LOEWE focus "Center for Multiscale Modeling in Life Sciences" (CMMS), the FIAS was able to recruit three new group leaders as Fellows.

Stoecker Academia Romana

April 20, 2020

Horst Stöcker becomes honorary member of the Academia Română

The certificate was now handed over by post

The Romanian Academy of Sciences (Academia Română) has appointed Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Horst Stöcker as honorary member in recognition of his work on hot, dense elementary matter in heavy ion research and astrophysics, as well as his many years of commitment to the international scientific community. He is thus one of 91 foreign scientists who are entitled to bear this title.

Amblyiopia boy

March 3, 2020

How we learn to see

Active efficient coding explains the development of binocular vision and its failure in amblyopia.

Using a new model, scientists from the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) and Goethe University can explain the development of binocular vision, which is the joint vision of the right and left eye. In doing so, they show how amblyopic visual impairment can occur.

Test Tubes
© Photo by Martin Lopez from Pexels

February 28, 2020

Current information about the coronavirus

In connection with the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), the Goethe University provides information on mobility and health care. We refer to recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute and the Federal Foreign Office.

XF-IJRC Signing

November 1, 2019

Signing of the Xidian FIAS International Joint Research Center

Joint research laboratory established with Xidian University

​In October 2019, during the Sino-German Conference for Science, Technology, Innovation and Cooperation in Berlin, representatives of Xidian University and FIAS signed the founding documents of the XF-IJRC.

Teaser Politechnikerreihe

October 10, 2019

Frankfurt's cutting-edge research explained in a understandable way

The Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), a think tank unique in Germany for networking the natural sciences, is organizing a new series of lectures this fall in cooperation with the Polytechnic Society Foundation.