© Rosario Turrisi

May 29, 2018

Frankfurt scientist receives prestigious award

Prof. Dr. Hannah Petersen was honoured in Venice

FIAS Fellow Hannah Petersen has been awarded the Zimanyi Medal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The award recognizes her work in the field of relativistic heavy ion collisions. The theoretical physicist has been a Fellow at FIAS since 2013, heads a Helmholtz junior research group at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research and teaches as a professor at Goethe University in Frankfurt.


May 28, 2018

Hessentag appearance of FIAS at the Hessenschau

In its programme of 26.05.2018, the broadcasting station of Hesse reports about the FIAS initiative "Wissenschaft zum Anfassen", which has been regularly inspiring the public at major events about research at FIAS, since 2013.

Black hole merger simulation
© Koppitz (ZIB), Rezzolla

May 28, 2018

Black Holes from an Exacomputer

Scientists develop simulation code for new generation of supercomputers

FRANKFURT. Even after the direct measurement of their gravitational waves, there are still mysteries surrounding black holes. What happens when two black holes merge, or when stars collide with a black hole? This has now been simulated by researchers from Goethe University Frankfurt and the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) using a novel numerical method. The simulation code "ExaHyPE" is designed in such a way that it will be able to calculate gravitational waves on the future generation of “exascale” supercomputers.

Hessentag 2018 - Accelerator
© proLOEWE

May 24, 2018

Floating magnets, brain football, building with paper and much more!

Hands-on science at Hessentag 2018

Korbach: From 25 May to 3 June 2018, scientists from the FIAS* and the research projects of the State Initiative for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence (LOEWE)** will once again be invited to experiment, be amazed and discuss at the "Hessen schafft Wissen" stand.


May 4, 2018

Kick-Off Meeting SPP2041

The members of the DFG Priority Programme "Computational Connectomics" met in Frankfurt

On 2 and 3 May 2018, the FIAS hosted the kick-off meeting of the DFG priority programme "SPP 2041 - Computational Connectomics". The goal of SPP 2041 is to better understand the interconnection and function of our brain and nervous system. Under the term "computational connectomics", the scientists involved use computer science and mathematics methods to better understand the structure of the connections between individual nerve cells or entire brain regions.


April 9, 2018

Volker Lindenstruths work featured in television show "Hessenschau"

The "Hessenschau" reported on the work of our director Volker Lindenstruth and our Fellow Hans-Jügen Lüdde in its programme of 8 April.

Dr. h.c. Helmut O. Maucher

March 6, 2018

We mourn for Dr. h. c. Helmut O. Maucher

The FIAS foundation board member passed away on 5 March 2018 at the age of 90.

Born in 1927, the former General Director of Nestlé and holder of the Federal Cross of Merit, he has been committed for years to science and FIAS in particular. Since the founding days of FIAS, he has been a member of the Presidium of the Board of Trustees and was its first chairman. Helmut Maucher has accompanied and shaped the development of our institute with prudence and an eye for the essentials.


February 26, 2018

What's a quark-gluon-plasma?

Hannah Petersen explains it in the new podcast of Welt der Physik

"What came after the Big Bang is still a big question. We don't know exactly what happened there. But we know that the universe was probably filled with a quark-gluon plasma millions of seconds after the Big Bang. The big difference to today's universe was that it was extremely hot and extremely dense," FIAS Fellow Hannah Petersen explains in the podcast of Welt der Physik.


January 19, 2018

Deep Learning as a tool for Heavy Ion Physics

A Group of FIAS-Scientists used deep learning techniques to develop a tool for better understanding heavy ion collisions.

The present study is a proof of principle study where Long-Gang Pang, Kai Zhou, Nan Su, Hannah Petersen, Horst Stöcker and Xin-Nian Wang (University of California in Berkeley, USA) used more than 20.000 pictures from relativistic hydrodynamic simulations of heavy ion collisions in a convolution neural network (CNN) to classify two regions in the phase diagram.

© Luciano Rezzolla

January 10, 2018

How massive can neutron stars be?

Astrophysicists at FIAS and Goethe University set a new upper limit on the mass of neutron stars: it cannot be larger than 2.16 solar masses

FRANKFURT. Since their discovery in the 60's, scientists have worked on answering a crucial question: How massive do neutron stars actually get? Differently from black holes, in fact, these stars cannot be arbitrarily massive; past a certain finite limit in mass, no physical force in nature can contrast their enormous gravitational forces. For the first time, astrophysicists at Goethe University Frankfurt have succeeded in calculating a stringent upper bound on the maximum mass of neutron stars.


November 20, 2017

Hands-on science receives the "Förderpreis 2017" of the Anneliese and Heinz Frisch Foundation

The public relations project of the FIAS is awarded with a second place

The Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS)'s project "hands-on science" was awarded second place in the 2017 Award of the Anneliese and Heinz Frisch Foundation on Thursday, 16 November 2017.

© Luciano Rezzolla

October 26, 2017

Understanding neutron stars better

Calculation time worth more than 1 million euros for Frankfurt physicists

Prof. Luciano Rezzolla, Senior Fellow of the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) and Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics at the Goethe University, will receive 80 million CPU hours at the supercomputer superMUC of the Leibniz Computing Center in Garching near Munich next year for the simulation of neutron star duplex systems.


October 17, 2017

FIAS Senior Fellow Laureate Ceremony

This Wednesday we will have an award ceremony in honour of our new FIAS Senior Fellow Laureate Prof. Dr. Dr. Hartmut Michel, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1988 and director at the Max-Planck-Institut für Biophysik. The ceremony will be held on Wednesday, October 18 at 17.30. After the Ceremony, Prof. Michel will give a small talk about his work (about 30 minutes in german language, abstract below). All FIAS-Members and interested Friends are warmly invited to join the ceremony and following reception.


October 10, 2017

FIAS at the Frankfurt Book Fair

"Hessen schafft Wissen" and FIAS present Science experiments at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

"Hands on Science" - From Oct 11-15 we present science experiments for everyone at the Frankfurt Book Fair. You can find us in Hall 3.1 (A26) at the booth from "Hessen schafft Wissen".

© HA Hessenagentur/Michael Hosan

September 8, 2017

Improve cancer survival rate

FIAS Fellow Klemens Zink talks about his cancer research

The "Gießener Anzeiger" talks with FIAS Fellow Klemens Zink and his collaborator about their research.

Renewable Engergy

August 31, 2017

Optimization of Network building costs

BMWI funds new research project by Stefan Schramm


July 21, 2017

STIFTUNG GIERSCH funds PhD students

4 PhD students are now supported by the STIFTUNG GIERSCH.

June 30, 2017

A new Partnership

Cooperation Agreement between FIAS and Suranaree University of Technology

© C. Otto, GSI

June 26, 2017

7,5 Million Euro for Goethe-High Performance Computer

A new high Performance Computer will be funded by DFG.

June 9, 2017

Night of Science 2017

On June 9th the Night of Science will take at the Riedberg Campus. FIAS Fellows and Students will take part in the event. Join us for some interesting talks, robot soccer and exiting experiments!