February 25, 2025

Insights into creativity: overarching ‘maps’ in our brain

Creative thinking uses specific patterns to store information

Our brains create highly individualized maps of the world around us. Not only does it represent complex relationships in language, for example, but even abstract sounds have different representations. This was shown by a team of scientists from FIAS together with colleagues from Mainz in a recent study. The "brain maps" for sounds and sentence structures are individual to each person and predict their creative abilities. This finding has implications for psychological research, the study of creativity in animals, and the study of artificial intelligence.

Martini Forcefield DNA
© Martini-Force-Field-Initiative

February 13, 2025

Molecular Simulations in Focus

Dr. Sebastian Thallmair is Co-Organizer of the Main-Neckar Martini User Meeting 2025

How do antibiotics penetrate bacteria? How do proteins interact with each other? And how can such biological processes be deciphered using modern computer simulations? One powerful simulation method helping to answer these questions is the Martini force field, which plays a key role in the study of (bio)molecular systems.


February 3, 2025

Learning to see: A mix of nature and nurture

A clear vision of learning - international research team highlights brain's adaptability

The developing brain is prepared to see even before the eyes are opened for the first time: Certain patterns are predetermined in the wiring of neurons. However, it takes a few days of visual experience to restructure the networks so that a consistent visual impression is created. Researchers from FIAS published these findings in Nature Neuroscience together with colleagues from the Max Planck Florida Institute.

© Uwe Dettmar / EHT Collaboration

January 31, 2025

Prize for high-performance computing awarded to Luciano Rezzolla

FIAS Senior Fellow honoured for images of the black hole

On 5 February 2025, Luciano Rezzolla, Senior Fellow at Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), received the PRACE HPC Excellence Award 2024, which recognises groundbreaking research and scientific advances through the use of high-performance computing (HPC). Rezzolla and his team were involved in the first images of supermassive black holes and made their interpretation possible with the help of numerical simulations and the construction of a theoretical framework that is able to interpret them and extract physical information. The fascinating images were taken as part of the international collaboration on the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT).


January 28, 2025

Prize for FIAS Postdoc

Tom Reichert receives FAIR-GSI PhD Award 2024

Tom Reichert, postdoc at FIAS, received the FAIR-GSI PhD Award 2024 on 28 January. In his doctoral thesis at Goethe University, Reichert investigated the collisions of heavy atomic nuclei at different energies. He used and developed theoretical transport simulations to understand matter under these extreme conditions.


January 23, 2025

Mini-Workshop Star Clusters and Supercomputing

Visiting scientist Rainer Spurzem introduces himself and his research group

We are used to consider the periodic planetary movements in our solar system as well-determined and eternal. Our categorisation of time is based on the movement of the earth around itself and around the sun. But what happens on a larger scale when we include other stars or even galaxies in our considerations and look at their overall interaction?

Fruit fly head

January 22, 2025

Many Roads Lead to… the Embryo

Research team shows shows evolution had many optimal outcomes to choose from

Is there only one optimal configuration an organism can reach during evolution? Is there a single formula that describes the trajectory towards the optimum? And can we ‘derive’ it in a purely theoretical fashion? A team of researchers, including scientists from the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) and Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), has answers. Their mathematical model forecasts the ideal body plan of a fruit fly’s early embryo, suggesting that evolution might had many optimal options at its disposal.


January 17, 2025

PhD for Solveig Plomer

A model to describe cell organelle movement

​Solveig Plomer from the statistics group of Gaby Schneider (Goethe University) defended her thesis in the end of 2024. Within the LOEWE Schwerpunkt CMMS - Multiscale Modelling in Life Sciences she researched the movement of cell organelles in cooperation with Theresa Ernst and Philipp Gebhart from the group of Molecular Cell Biology of Plants and defined a new model for the description of cell organelle movement as well as a test and change point detection algorithm for changes in the model parameters.

Copyright Illustration: HHU/Paul Schwaderer

January 10, 2025

FIAS left ‘X’

No more activities on Twitter platform

FIAS joined the withdrawal from ‘X’ platform: More than 60 German-speaking universities and research institutions made a statement and discontinued their activities on the X platform (formerly Twitter).


January 9, 2025

How drugs cross membranes more easily

FIAS computer simulations show path into cells for pharmaceutical compounds

Researchers at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) use computer simulations to show how proteins facilitate the crossing of membranes. This can be an important path for drugs to penetrate into cells, a requirement for the treatment of tumours or autoimmune diseases.

Jonas Elpelt (FIAS)

January 9, 2025

FIAS researcher at ‘Frank(l)y Science’ in Eschborn

Inspiring science for the public

‘Frank(l)y Science’ is the new format for science slams at the Eschborn K cultural centre in Frankfurt. On 18 January, on the initiative of FIAS PhD student Jonas Elpelt, such an event will take place in the local cinema for the first time.

Stephan Huber

December 17, 2024

New impetus for the FIAS Foundation Board

Stephan Huber appointed as a member of the Board

Entrepreneur Stephan Georg Huber has been appointed as a new member of the FIAS Board of Trustees (Stiftungsrat). Over the next five years, he will help shape our independent scientific institution for basic theoretical research.

20 years ceremony Warakaulle Giersch Gremmels

December 6, 2024

A ceremony for science and innovation

20 years of FIAS

An Institute for theoretical research: what began 20 years ago as an abstract vision has proven its worth. At the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), researchers from different disciplines work together to decipher complex systems. Funded by Goethe University as a foundation, FIAS forms a unique theoretical interface between research institutes and departments on the Riedberg campus.

Forum Flinner Wild

November 29, 2024

Precision Medicine and AI

Insights into the Future of Tissue Diagnostics at the FIAS Forum

On the evening of November 28th, the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) hosted a distinguished lecture exploring the intersection of modern pathology and artificial intelligence. Under the title "Precision Medicine and the Use of AI in Tissue Diagnostics," Prof. Dr. Wild and Dr. Flinner offered fascinating insights into the rapid developments within this ever-evolving medical field.

Mega Chakraborty PhD
© Megha Chakraborty

November 26, 2024

Megha Chakraborty: dissertation on earthquake research

Beyond traditional seismology: deep learning to analyse earthquakes

Megha Chakraborty gained her doctorate at Goethe University on 26 November. She uses deep learning as a tool to decode seismological data. Impressive publications and the award of the title „summa cum laude“ reflect her successful research.

Eckhard Elsen

November 1, 2024

Particle physics prize for FIAS director

Eckhard Elsen receives Panofsky Prize 2025

The Scientific Director of FIAS, Eckhard Elsen, will be awarded the W. K. H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics 2025 by the American Physical Society (APS) together with Robert Klanner. The two particle physicists are being honoured for their pioneering work on the large particle accelerator HERA (Hadron-Electron Ring Facility) at DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron). Both scientists were professors at the University of Hamburg and conducted research together at DESY.


October 29, 2024

Dark Energy inside the galaxies?

FIAS researchers enable new understanding of the forces in the universe

Dark Energy is a subset of energy that accelarates the expansion of our universe. A new research work at FIAS studies the impact of dark energy inside our galaxies. The research shows that in order to have stable galaxies the repulsion force of dark energy cannot exceed two orders of magnitde of the known value from cosmology. This study suggests that dark energy plays a role stronger than expected even in the closeby universe.


October 23, 2024

Retreat of FIAS doctoral students

Lectures, discussions and new perspectives in Marburg

The FIAS PhD students embarked on a retreat to Marburg for four days in October. The exciting and rapidly growing field of digital twins was the focus of their trip.

© Niklas Elmehed, Nobel Prize Outreach

October 9, 2024

Congratulations to nobel prize winners!

Award-winning research closely related to FIAS

FIAS congratulates this year's Nobel Prize winners in Physics and Chemistry, whose work is directly related to research at FIAS. The fundamental findings of John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton on artificial neural networks, together with the massive progress in computing, have laid the foundation for today's AI revolution.


October 9, 2024

New AI model prevents damage in industrial pipes

FIAS research team achieves high accuracy in cavitation detection

Vapour bubbles are feared in industrial plants. They form in pipes when pressurised liquid begins to boil or vaporise. The bubbles that form and suddenly collapse damage pumps and equipment. A research group at FIAS is now presenting a new approach to detecting these ‘cavitations’, which could significantly improve industrial pipework management. All industries with fluid systems such as water, energy and manufacturing could benefit.
