July 25, 2024

Best FIGSS Talk prizes 2024

Lectures by doctoral candidates honoured

For the second time, the Frankfurt International Graduate School for Science (FIGSS) at FIAS awarded the ‘Best FIGSS Talk’ for summer and winter semester 2023(/24). The FIGSS was founded in 2004 and brings together FIAS doctoral candidates working on a wide range of research topics from nuclear physics to mathematical biology.

PhD Johannes Lehrbach

July 22, 2024

PhD Johannes Lehrbach

CERN cooperation

Johannes Lehrbach from Volker Lindenstruth's FIAS research group defended his PhD Thesis on July 5th, 2024. During his PhD, he was instrumental in building the computing infrastructure for the Event Processing Nodes (EPN) of the ALICE experiment at CERN.

Teaser TdoT

July 1, 2024

20 years of FIAS: Open Day

On 6 July from 11 a.m.: hands-on experiments, short lectures, cake.

Next Saturday, FIAS will be opening its doors to the public to celebrate its 20th anniversary: Anyone who wishes to control the football with their mind in front of the television - FIAS research makes it possible! More hands-on experiments, short, easy-to-understand presentations, a children's programme as well as coffee and cake will attract visitors to the striking red building on the Riedberg with a view of the skyline.

Armin van de Venn at conference

June 17, 2024

Avoiding infinity

Presentation by Armin van de Venn in Estonia

FIAS PhD student Armin van de Venn presented his work at the international conference "Metric-Affine Frameworks for Gravity 2024" in Estonia.


June 11, 2024

PhD Jan Hammelmann

Fluctuations in the hadronic phase of heavy-ion collisions

Jan Hammelmann completed his doctorate in the group of FIAS Senior Fellow Hannah Elfner.


June 7, 2024

FIAS at “Strommarkttreffen”

Electricity market meeting in Berlin

FIAS PhD student Chen Li spoke as an invited speaker at the ‘Strommarkttreffen’ (Electricity Market Meeting) in Berlin. He presented his findings on optimising power dispatch using machine learning. Researchers at FIAS have developed a state-of-the-art AI system that balances out weather-dependent fluctuations in the electricity grid and thus ensures the efficient and reliable distribution of electricity from sources such as solar and wind (https://fias.news/en/news-publicity/ai-solution-avoids-weather-dependent-fluctuations-in-the-power-system/).


May 24, 2024

Can we trust AI?

Lively FIAS Forum with IT ethicist Judith Simon

Can we trust AI - and where are the pitfalls? The first German professor of ethics in information technology, Judith Simon (Hamburg University), addressed these complicated questions in the FIAS Forum public lecture series.


May 23, 2024

Like ripples in the sand: the young cerebral cortex forms spontaneous patterns

International research team demonstrates ability for self-organisation in brain development.

The cortex allows us humans to think, perceive our environment and act purposefully. Certain patterns of brain activity enable this; they emerge early in brain development through dynamic processes of self-organisation. This is shown by researchers from the University of Minnesota (UoM) and the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) in a study published in Nature Communications. They found that the networks of the young cortex convert unstructured input into highly organised activity patterns. The organisation of these patterns is therefore not determined externally (e.g. by sensory input), but arises through interaction between the nerve cells and follows dynamic laws.

Sättele Retirment

May 17, 2024

Ekkehardt Sättele retires from the FIAS Board of Trustees

20 year commitment and strategic engagement for science

Ekkehardt Sättele stepped down from the FIAS Foundation Board at the end of his term of office at the Foundation Board meeting on 16.05.2024. Since 2004, his expertise as an auditor and his extensive experience in the foundation sector have been invaluable to FIAS.


May 15, 2024

FIAS co-operates with Museum Giersch

Joint exhibition planned

The new director of the Giersch Museum at Goethe University, Ina Neddermeyer, suggested joint activities with FIAS. After initial contacts, the FIAS administrative team visited the museum on Schaumainkai.

White Dwarf (NASA, ESA, Andrew Fruchter)

May 14, 2024

Towards understanding dense matter and compact stars

Third funding period approved

The research project ‘Investigation of compact stars with heavy baryons and quarks’ by FIAS Fellow Armen Sedrakian entered its third funding period in May 2024. The German Research Foundation (DFG) approved the application for research funding for a further two years.


May 10, 2024

Biology - not only in theory!

Planting activity at FIAS: students and staff helped to turn a new area on the FIAS site green.

Professur Roberto Covino, Enrico Schleiff

May 6, 2024

Frankfurt professorship for Roberto Covino

FIAS is proud and congratulates!

FIAS Fellow Roberto Covino has become a W3 professor at Goethe University Frankfurt in May 2024. The scientist was appointed to the Institute of Computer Science. At the same time, he will retain his position as research group leader at FIAS.

Frankfurt hat Hirn

April 25, 2024

Brilliant knowledge about the brain

The format "Frankfurt hat Hirn - live" (Frankfurt has brains) proved to be a big success. The casual presentation of knowledge about the brain caught an enthusiastic audience in the Jugendkirche, which was completely packed.

Pierre Ekelmans PhD

April 19, 2024

Pierre Ekelmans defends his PhD in theoretical neuroscience

Predicting the activity of excitatory-inhibitory networks

The first CMMS doctoral student successfully completed his doctorate. On 19 April 2024, Pierre Ekelmans defended his doctoral thesis in the field of computational biosciences at the University of Bonn. He conducted his research in the laboratory of FIAS Fellow Tatjana Tchumatchenko, which focuses on the theoretical analysis of neuronal dynamics.

Shriya Soma PhD with examiners

April 16, 2024

Shriya Soma receives doctorate

Constraining neutron star equation of state by deep learning

Physicist Shriya Soma successfully defended her thesis on 16th April. Her PhD on constraining the neutron star equation of state using deep learning techniques was supervised by FIAS Fellows Horst Stöcker and Kai Zhou.

The black hole SgrA*: The magnetic fields spiral around the central shadow of the black hole. Image: EHT Collaboration

March 28, 2024

Spiral magnetic fields around a black hole

Luciano Rezzolla's team publishes new image construction

Images from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) team show that the black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) in the centre of our Milky Way is surrounded by strong, spiral-shaped magnetic fields. The team led by FIAS Senior Fellow Luciano Rezzolla played a key role in this study.

SAB visiting FIAS 2024.

March 15, 2024

Scientific Advisory Board at FIAS

Two-day visit by the committee

On 13/14 March, FIAS presented itself to the Scientific Advisory Board - in talks, posters and intensive discussions.

Markus Schlott and Chen Li in HR TV studio

March 13, 2024

FIAS research on TV

AI solution avoids weather-dependent fluctuations in the power system

A technology developed at FIAS to stabilise the use of renewable energies in the grid was presented by Markus Schlott on behalf of the group in the programme "Alle Wetter" on HR television on 12 March.

Annual Report 2023

March 12, 2024

FIAS Annual Report 2023 released

From doctoral students to Senior Fellows, featuring events, projects, and highlights: The annual report reflects the multifaceted activities of FIAS.
